Kadcyla ®
Substance active: trastuzumab emtansine ou T-DM1
Domaine thérapeutique: Oncologie
Kadcyla est un thérapie ciblée utilisée dans le traitement de certaines formes de cancer du sein.
En savoir plus sur Kadcyla ?
Notice scientifique KAdcyla (Trastuzumab-emtansine)
If a pregnancy occurs while using Kadcyla or within 7 months following the last dose of Kadcyla, please immediately report pregnancy to the local Roche Adverse Event Line at +32 2 525 82 99. Additional information will be requested during a Kadcyla-exposed pregnancy and the first year of the infant’s life. This will enable Roche to better understand the safety of Kadcyla and to provide appropriate information to health authorities, healthcare providers and patients.